Can Botox Treat Facial Paralysis and Synkinesis?

Botulinum toxin (also known as Botox) is a simple and effective treatment for patients with synkinesis, facial asymmetry, and facial stiffness caused by Bell's palsy and other conditions. Botox works by blocking the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that nerves use to tell muscles to contract or relax. This helps to relax overly tight muscles and prevent involuntary facial movements or synkinesis. The same Botox used for cosmetic purposes to reduce wrinkles with facial movement is also covered by insurance for patients with facial paralysis.

At the Facial Paralysis Institute, Botox is used in a novel way to create more symmetrical facial movement and reduce signs of facial paralysis and synkinesis. It is most commonly used in combination with neuromuscular retraining performed by an experienced physical therapist. A Botox procedure for facial paralysis should only be performed by a facial paralysis expert, as they can minimize the risk of potential complications and use the appropriate amount of Botox depending on the patient's symptoms. Results of a Botox procedure usually become visible within two to three days after treatment.

Before undergoing any treatment, including Botox, it is important for a patient with facial paralysis to undergo a full evaluation. This allows them to review their different treatment options and determine the best course of action to treat their symptoms. Botox injections offer safe and reliable treatments for many patients with facial weakness and paralysis, including permanent or long-term Bell's palsy. It relaxes overactive muscles and temporarily restores facial symmetry, improving appearance.

In rare cases, Bell's palsy may not go away on its own, causing permanent paralysis on one side of the face. In this case, the peripheral facial nerve must be surgically connected to the spinal accessory or hypoglossal nerves. Botox injections are a treatment option to help a patient with Bell's palsy eventually restore facial muscle function. If someone experiences symptoms of Bell's palsy, they should go to the emergency room right away.

In general, symptoms will go away on their own within a few days or weeks after diagnosis. If symptoms persist for eight months or longer, advanced treatment may be required. Facial synkinesis is another condition that causes involuntary facial movements, sometimes occurring after Bell's palsy or when the facial nerve is cut or stitched. Botox for synkinesis can be used to treat eye muscles, neck bands, and dimples on the chin, improving symmetry and reducing activity in overactive areas of the face. People with partial facial paralysis may also benefit from Botox treatments; injections into the paralyzed side of the face can create more symmetry and coordinated movements. Dr.

Azizzadeh requests a patient's medical history before providing Botox treatments. If someone is allergic to botulinum toxin or other ingredients in Botox, they may not be eligible for injections. A patient with facial paralysis who has a pre-existing medical condition may also not be eligible for Botox injections. The goal is to provide a safe and effective treatment to treat their symptoms of facial paralysis. During a consultation with Dr.

Azizzadeh, he will evaluate your facial movement and ask about your goals and expectations for treatment. Once he has all of this information, Dr. Azizzadeh will perform the Botox treatment if he believes that the potential benefits outweigh any risks associated with it; otherwise he will offer alternative treatment options. It takes one to two weeks to see the full results of Botox treatment, which last approximately four months. After this time period has passed, patients must return to the Facial Paralysis Institute for further treatment with Dr.

Azizzadeh in order to get the most out of their Botox treatments and alleviate symptoms of Bell's palsy for years to come. The cost of Botox for Bell's palsy can vary depending on how many units are needed.

Aidan Tobacco
Aidan Tobacco

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